In honor of
- Freedom of Speech: I can write whatever I choose on this blog or I can shout it from the roof tops. I can tell anyone who will listen that I like or dislike the President or the Speaker of the House. Hell, I can even lie about them if I want – all of the newspapers do! I can voice my opinion of any person, product, celebrity, alien, movie, law…anything, with out persecution. Freedom of Speech is one of the greatest Rights we have as Americans.
- Loyalty: The
-Being the Best: Remember the girl in middle school who got boobs, or was allowed to shave her legs, or pierce her ears before anyone else. Remember how all of the other girls would gather together and say mean things about her new lady lumps, or her silky smooth legs, and holey ear lobes when really we were all wishing it was us sporting the AAA white cotton training bra. That is
-Our Founding Fathers: Their wisdom, their vision, their dedication to a better future for all Americans. I wonder what they think of us now. I wonder if they are proud. I hope so.
I am proud to be an American!
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