I still haven't fully recovered from the 4th. We had a house (and a boat) full of people all weekend. I feel like I could sleep for a week and still feel tired. Nevertheless, it was worth it! Good food, good fun, good boating, good friends = a GREAT time. We gave this country a birthday party it won't forget. But with every good party comes a good party pooper. And boy, did we have a Pooper. Of course, the Pooper will be what I blog about because let's face it, the drama is much more interesting and I need to vent!
And, the Biggest Party Pooper award goes to ……HB's sister!!! I am going to come right out and say it, she wasn't only a Party Pooper she was a strait up BITCH! At some point during the weekend each of our guests approached HB or I about her behavior. I have blogged about my SIL and her horrible attitude before. Anyone who knows HB's family is well aware of my SIL's rude and often inappropriate outbursts; outbursts that my in-laws often ignore and expect everyone around them to ignore as well. However, in my 6 years of dating HB and being around his family, I have never seen my SIL act as terrible as she acted this weekend. I am utterly embarrassed with her actions and will do my best to keep my friends away from her in the future.
Let me update you on what my SIL has been up to this summer – she has been touring
I hope you didn’t have a Party Pooper at your 4th of July party.
Ugh, I have a cousin just like her and I avoid her at all costs. People like that are not fun to be around.
Too bad you had a Party Pooper. My SIL has been a Party Pooper too, so I can relate.
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