My long weekend was spent in bed, nursing a sore, swollen knee. I wish I had a daring stunt gone wrong tale to explain my injury but there is no explanation. I have no idea why my knee aches and swells up every time I stand up. I have an appointment with an Orthopedist on Thursday but until then I will be icing it every 30 minutes and catching up with my favorite Soap, The Young and the Restless – oh the drama!
As I sit in bed with ice packs, my laptop and daytime television, I should be worried about what is ailing my knee but instead, I am worried about not being able to exercise. Lately, I have been doing so well with my exercise routine and diet. Due to my injury, I completely fell off the wagon this weekend, indulging in burgers, cookies and ice cream - yes, I am blaming my poor eating habits on my knee. With exercise being out of the questions at the moment I am worried that this down time will ruin my healthy lifestyle momentum. The worst part is, when I get bored, I get cranky and usually end up eating to make myself feel better. What am I going to do?!?
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