I assure you, this is not a political post. I do not care to reveal that I am a Democrat or Republican, nor will I discuss the issues. This is a post about a 17 year old girl being harshly criticized because she is not married and pregnant, oh, and her Mom is John McCain’s running mate. In a Society that has recently said it’s okay to be young and pregnant without a husband (hello Jessica Alba, Bridget Moynahan, Jamie Lynn Spears, Chrissy from Storked) why are Palin and her daughter under fire? Just last night on 90210 (which I loved, btw!) it was revealed that the adored Kelly Taylor has a child without a husband and no one seemed to care. The media is sending the message that if you are a celebrity or if you are wealthy, it is okay to be husbandless and pregnant BUT if you are the child of a political figure we will slam you. Young Palin’s pregnancy has received more news coverage than the recent hurricane that hit Louisiana. I am disgusted.
I feel as though the Palin family criticism is much harsher than that of Obama or Biden. Everyone was appalled when Michelle Obama said, “This is the first time I have ever been proud of my Country,” and yes, Biden’s son’s hedge fund scandal is equally appalling but they barely made the news and both were quickly forgiven. Since the news of young Palin’s pregnancy it has been sheer ciaos and nothing but a smear campaign on a 17 YEAR OLD! I am still disgusted with the media for calling Chelsea an “Ugly Duckling” when President Clinton went into office. And when George W. came into office the media made the twins out to be alcoholics because they enjoyed margaritas with their college friends – what college freshman doesn’t participate in a little fun with their friends?
In these times it is understood that Liberal reporters are going to be biased against conservatives and conservatives are going to be biased against liberals. But shouldn’t a reporter report the news and not their opinion? Isn’t that their job? Shouldn’t they report facts, not speculation? Is it just me or is the media out of control? The Washington Post covered the Brittany & Paris sagas and now US Weekly is smearing Palin’s family – what is going on here? Is this what the news has become? Do reporters have any character? Any limits? If I were a reporter I would be ashamed of my industry and its culture.
Overall, I think the children of celebrities, political figures or anyone famous for the matter, should be off limits. These children did not choose to be in limelight. Adolescence is hard enough without the criticism of your Country. These children are not running for the Presidency. I want to hear where these candidates stand on the issues. What is Sarah Palin’s economic policy? Will she raise my taxes? Does she want to pull out of Iraq? I want these “reporters” to write about the economy in Alaska. What has she done there? Are the residents there happy with her? I don’t care if her daughter is pregnant. I don’t care if her son and husband are registered as Independents. Talk about the issues. Talk about HER not her family. The same goes for Obama and Biden – leave their families out of it.
I agree partially, I think it is wrong to expose and slam a child when she is going through a difficult time. Absolutley wrong! But I think people are jumping on it because palin supports abstinence only education-no condoms, no STD info etc. Bristol went to a high school that had no sex ed at all-they said the best prevention of pregnancy and std's was not to have sex (well duh haha). So I think those that are not in support of abstinence only are hoping this brings light to the flaws in this approach to sex ed.
Great post!
I agree with you. The media, for the most part, has become a joke. They definitely are much more pro-liberal/Democrat too.
Great post!j
I agree with you to an extent. However, Sarah Palin knew that her family would be thrust into the limelight. Even if this is a private family matter. Also, she slashed funding of sex education programs in Alaska. Seems a bit ironic to me.
You've got to hand it to the Obama camp though - he publicly said that Palin's family is off limits and he won't go there. I respect that.
I completely agree! Children should be off limits. As for the other comments, the post doesn't say Sarah Palin shouldn't be talked about, it says her CHILDREN should be off limits. It doesn't matter what type of birth control she believes in or what funds she pulled, her daughter does not deserve to be drug through the mud by the media. And, yes, Sarah Palin knew her family would be thrust in the limelight but that does not make it okay for the media to attack a 1 year old girl.
Just my opinion though,
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