My niece came to visit this weekend. I hadn’t seen her in almost 2 months and I was very lonesome. She has changed so much! The first thing I noticed is that she has developed an adorable personality. She smiles constantly (unless you put a camera in her face!) and babbles more or more each day. She is calm but has a short temper. I quickly noticed how mobile she has become. She scrawls (a combination of a scoot and a crawl) everywhere and loves to run in her walker (ironically). My Mom and I took her on her first trip to Toy R Us. I think Mom and I were more excited than the Poozer. While we loaded a cart with fun, educational toys, Poozer was fascinated by the other children in the store. She smiled at every baby that passed by and tried to grab a few toddlers cruising on tricycles. Once we got home, she sat on the floor intrigued with each brightly colored, noise fun filled toy. She studied, tasted, and laughed at each of them. I enjoyed every second I spent with her.Poozer’s tantrum free visit left me with a feeling I cannot allow myself to have for another 3 years. I must ignore this feeling! I desperately want this feeling to disappear. I need to remind myself that while I was having fun with Poozer my sister was catching up on sleep, something she hasn’t enjoyed since December 27, 2007 – the day Poozer was born. I need to focus on advancing my career, saving money, and supporting my husband through grad school. I need to stick with the plan and stay on track. I need to forget about that clean, sweet baby smell and the heart flutters I get when Poozer smiles at me or rests her head on my shoulder. I need to remember that it isn’t all fun and games; it is hard work. I do NOT need to be thinking how much sweeter it will be when it is our child smiling at me and grabbing at my heart. Our day will come. Right now, I need to get rid of this baby fever! Looking at these cute pictures is NOT helping!

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