Friday, September 5, 2008

Glad to have you on my team!

As I mentioned yesterday, I met with an orthopedist. My appointment went well, I didn’t tear anything and I don’t have arthritis or an infection. The frustrating part is that they can’t really explain why my knee swells like a balloon when I stand up, why it is hurts and why, after 10 days, it seems to be getting worse. My doctor prescribed a stronger anti-inflammatory and physical therapy 3 times a week for a month. I may not have any answers but I have a plan (that isn’t to just ice it and stay off of it) and that makes me feel somewhat better.

I haven’t been the most pleasant person to be around. I have been frustrated with my activity restrictions and scared of the diagnosis. When my knee hurts I am cranky and I am stubbornly independent so I won’t allow anyone to fetch me ice, water, etc. HB has been a trooper. He rubs my back when I am scared, reminds me to ice my knee when it starts to swell, and argued with the doctor about his “oh, you’re fine” attitude. He hasn’t received much reward for his support; I mean, I didn’t shave my legs for 7 days! I would like to use this post as a thank you to my husband.

Thank you HB, for your support. Thank you for loving me and my unshaved legs. Thank you for defending me and my swollen knee yesterday. Thank you for fielding phone calls from your Mom. Thank you for taking me to the doctor when my Mom was MIA. (Isn’t it funny how our Mom’s are total opposites?) Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for watching reality television with me. Thank you for being on my team. Thank you for being you. I LOVE YOU!

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