Thursday, September 4, 2008

Did I Shave My Legs for This...

I had an appointment with an orthopedist today. My appointment was fine and my knee will remain attached to my leg. I also had a very funny and eye opening conversation with a friend today. It went something like this:

My cell phone rings:

Me: Hello

M of H: Hellloooo, what are you doing?

Me: Driving to work

M of H: Damn, it’s 10:00. I want your job!

Me: I know, I am late. I’m moving pretty slow because of my knee and I had to shave my leg because I have a doctor’s appointment.

M of H: Leg? As in 1 leg?

Me: Yes, I shaved the bum leg so I don't gross out the Doc.

M of H: I see. So, you will shave, ahem, ONE leg for a doctor but poor HB, only married a year and 3 months and he can't get both legs shaved for him.

…M of H is one of my funnier friends and we had a good laugh about the silliness of my only shaving one leg. Usually I am very good about leg shaving but I have let it slide since my knee injury. So, I came home tonight, shaved my other leg, put on my cute night dress, and pinned my hair back instead of throwing it into a sloppy ponytail. I actually look like a lady tonight instead of the grumpy mess I have been for the past week and a half. But sadly, I am a lonely lady tonight. HB is meeting with his group tonight so they can prepare for their presentation tomorrow. And now I have Deana Cater’s, Did I Shave My Legs for This song in my head. Only, HB is probably the one feeling neglected this week.


Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

When I was pregnant, I still shaved my legs for all my ob/gyn appointments. My best friend thought I was SO weird :-)

Delightfully Sassy said...

Thanks for the comment! I am sure I will do the same thing when I am pregnant. :-)

Seema Jain said...

thankyou for this blog